Its been a busy year for myself and the Peninsula Community Board with a variety of issues and projects. I never find being on the Board a chore because there’s always something interesting to be done or a new people to meet. I’ve always been a problem-solver so being on the Board is actually an enjoyable challenge. I’m looking forward to 2016 because I feel I have more to offer and do for the community. Some of those issues include;
- The 2GP and how the final issues around hazard management and rural are resolved for regions like the Peninsula.
- Tomahawk School and the ongoing need to ensure the community have a say in the way these Council assets are managed.
- Tomahawk Lagoon and the way the ORC manage the water quality and levels for the welfare of the community.
- Roading projects around the Peninsula including the re-opening of Highcliff Road.
- Sand dune management in places like Tomahawk and Okia.
- Supporting the Te Rauone community to complete their beach management project.
- Reviewing how effective the new freedom camping bylaw has been.
- Continuing to advocate for better broadband and rural internet access.